
(Aloe barbadensis)


This plant is hardy and can grow and retain its moisture in drought-stricken or almost impossible situations, usually in the warmer parts of the world.

Aloe vera has been used for its medicinal purposes for thousands of years. It has anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, wound healing and moisturising properties.

If the plant is taken internally, it is a powerful laxative. The plant has pointed leaves filled with a gel substance. It is this gel which has the healing properties. It apparently contains a natural antihistamine and pain relieving agent. Aloe gel contains an ingredient which acts as a moisturiser to soothe, soften, and protect the skin.

How It May Benefit You...

  • digestive disorders, gastritis, stomach ulcers. - Internally.

  • constipation. - Internally.

  • minor burns, infection in wounds, insect bites, skin irritations, bruising, chickenpox, sunburn, acne. - Apply to skin externally.

  • irritated eyes. - Apply to skin externally.

  • stimulates immunity.


Aloe juice straight from the plant should only be used on skin that is unhealthy or irritated. It can cause problems on healthy skin. If you are pregnant - use aloe internally after consultation with a doctor or Pharmacist.

WARNING:    Herbs should only be used under the supervision of an experienced herbalist or naturopath experienced in herbs.


Aloe is available as a powder, capsules, bottled gel, or tablets.

Uses straight from the plant -

  • bites and stings from insects

  • burns, sunburn. (Add aloe gel to a warm bath)

  • blisters.

REMEMBER - do not apply juice to healthy skin.

Aloe veraHealth info

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